Megan Jarrett

Storyteller. Photographer. Graduate student at NYU.
With 5+ years of experience traveling for and building relationships in the healthcare technology industry, I use my ability to build trust and relationships and notice the small things to document the extraordinary moments that make up ordinary lives.
Before moving to Madison, Wisc. to pursue a career as a project manager in the healthcare IT industry, I studied Business at The Ohio State University. At my core, I'm a storyteller who strives to recreate that feeling of sitting around the dinner table on Sunday nights with your family telling the stories that make up who you are.
My nightmare business trip started when I got to the front of the TSA pre-check line at the Dane County Regional Airport and I realized that I didn’t have my wallet. Lucky for me, I did have my Apple Watch.
How I Survived a Week in NYC Without a Wallet
It’s fun to do things you’re great at. But it’s also fun to do things that you aren’t great at. Last year I decided that I was done feeling like I had to earn the right to participate in something I wanted to participate in. I was missing out.
Winning in Last Place
When Dr. Baruch Fertel took a job at the Cleveland Clinic in 2013 he knew he had a crisis on his hands. The nation was in the grip of an opioid epidemic and Ohio was ground zero. He quickly realized that hospitals were, in some respects, doing more harm than good.
Using Innovation and Data to Fight the Opioid Epidemic
After 10 years in IT, Sarah Van Dyke knew she wanted to be doing something fresh and social that would bring joy and inspiration to herself and others. Now, Revel is putting a modern spin on a DIY studio right off of the Capitol Square in Madison, Wisc.
Entrepreneur Revels in Success of Turning Crafts into a Career

“I always loved writing, but I never planned to be a journalist. Frankly, I never thought I could get someone to pay me to write.” Danielle Wiener-Bronner said of her entry into the world of journalism. With her background in economics, she brings a unique angle to her writing, zeroing in on the intersection of food and business.
Stumbling into the Food Sector with Danielle Wiener-Bronner